New Wine 2023 – details to follow.

The New Wine sessions for 2021 United Breaks Out are available free online for 5 days from 29th July to 3rd August. Each session is Live Streamed.
Each day there is a Morning Celebration or Morning Bible Teaching at 11.00 am. There are workshops and seminars in the afternoons and an Evening Celebration at 7.00 pm.
The speakers are as follows:
Arena Morning Celebration: David Parker is Pastor Emeritus of Desert Vineyard Church in California. He will speak and host a variety of guest speakers during the 5 days.
Impact Morning Bible Teaching: Kenny Borthwick will be teaching Lockdown Lessons from Philippians, but there will be much more in this session, too.
Evening Celebration: A different speaker each day will introduce us to stories of how God is changing lives. You must choose between the Arena Stream and the Impact Stream – look at the Programme and decide.
Highlights: and click on Full Programme to get the details.
Full Programme:
Digital Programme with all the details:
Extra sessions are available to those with New Wine online membership (see information online) including the morning Bible Studies in Genesis, and a wide range of seminars.
There is a lively Youth Programme each day on the Luminosity Live Stream Schedule. There is also an excellent Kids Programme.