
Notices – Sunday 25th August, 2023
Welcome to our Morning Service
Parents with very small children are welcome to relax in the back room and listen to the service on the speaker there. There are worksheets available in Clare’s corner for older children.
Today 10.30am Morning Service followed by refreshments
No weekday activities during summer break
Monday 5.30pm No Zoom Prayer Meeting
Tuesday 10.00-11.30am No RainbowTots in the Parish Hall
Thursday 12.30pm No Lunch Club
Friday 10.30 am “Friendship Friday” at the Library
Parish Nurse Ali will be here on Tuesday and Friday this week. You can contact her on 07870 946475.
Thank God for the work Ali does and pray for plans for a ‘Holiday at Home’ day.
Food Bank Keep donating to the local Food Bank. People are relying on it more than ever.
Just Arrived The latest ‘Barnabas’, ‘Voice’ and ‘Connect’ magazines – help yourself from the table in the
Quote of the week "If you believe in a God who controls the big things, you have to believe in a God who controls the little things. It is we, of course, to whom things look 'little' or 'big'." - Elisabeth Elliot
Prayer: Here are some of the things our fellowship will be praying about this week
Personal: Pray for all those having cataract operations – Carolyn, Terry and Elizabeth.
If you have any prayer requests you would like the fellowship to pray about or anything to be put on next week’s notice
sheet please let Elizabeth (01394 385052) know or put a note in the Church Diary by 3.00pm on Thursday. Thank you.
Offerings: A quarterly summary of offerings and expenditure is posted on the notice board.
(Please note we do not want visitors to feel under any pressure to give money in the offering)
Visitors please sign the visitors’ book.
Remember – You can visit our website:
There will be prayers of blessing from the people of Ipswich
Worship led by Bethel Church, Ipswich International Church, St. Augustine's Church, & Colchester Road Baptist Church
Gospel message from Pastor Tom Scrivens, senior pastor of Hope Church